Different ERP systems have differences in requirements and maximum values for certain fields. The OIS does not validate fields for the ERP system, and as such it is required that the API user applies validation before posting an order to the OIS. All known ERP-specific field limits are found at the bottom.
When posting an order with multiple articles, an OrderLine must be posted for every variant, even if the same variant is ordered multiple times. The reason for this is that discounts can differ per OrderLine.
Different fields have to be used depending on the type of OrderLine, in addition to already required fields.
LineType = "1" OR "Article"
Shipping cost
LineType = "2" OR "ShippingCost"
Payment fee
LineType = "3" OR "PaymentFee"
LineType = "4" OR "Voucher"
More information about Coupons can be found here: OIS Loyalty
ISO 8601 formatting is used in OIS. When posting Date, Time or DateTime values, ensure correct formatting is used.
Price Validation
When posting OrderLines, ensure that for every individual OrderLine, the OriginalPrice is equal to the Price + OrderDiscount(s). Keep in mind that any amount of rounding up or down is accounted for.
The Value fields should be filled with the amount paid, including VAT. The "VATPercentage" field should be filled with the VAT percentage relevant for the article. OIS will export the actual VAT amounts to ERP.
All amounts concerning prices must be positive values.
Different fields have to be used depending on which DeliveryMethod is chosen, in addition to already required fields.
Home delivery
DeliveryMethod = "1"
Pickup from store
DeliveryMethod = "2"
PickupBranchIdentifier = (Branch)Identifier from the OIS /Branches/ endpoint.
Pickup from service point
DeliveryMethod = "3"
PickupLocationCode = Service point code. Note that this cannot be retrieved from OIS.
PickupLocationName = Service point name. Note that this cannot be retrieved from OIS.
For regular orders, the ShippingAgentId field is required. The available ShippingAgents are decided by the client and can be retrieved from the v1/ShippingAgents GET endpoint.
Note that the ShippingAgentServiceCode field and ShippingTerms array should not be included unless specific ShippingTerms are used for the order.
ShippingAgentServices and ShippingTerms
The ShippingAgentServiceCode field and ShippingTerms array can be included if specific ShippingTerms are applicable to an order. Note that the relevant ShippingAgentServiceCode and ShippingTerms must first be configured in OIS.
For regular orders, the PaymentOptionId field is required. The available PaymentOptions are decided by the client and can be retrieved from the v1/PaymentOptions GET and accompanying v1/PaymentProviders GET endpoints.
The PaymentReference field is also required and must contain the PaymentReference that is given by the Payment Service Provider.
When an order is fully or partially paid for with a coupon, the OrderCouponPayments array must be added when posting the order. The PaymentOption used within this array is decided by the client.
XPRT-specific fields
To ensure orders can be imported into XPRT, validation must be applied to specific fields before posting the order to OIS so that the maximum amount of characters is not exceeded. Note that the limits listed below are always updated to the latest possible version of XPRT.
Specific fields
FirstName - Maximum 30 *
LastName - Maximum 30 *
Street - Maximum 50 **
ZipCode - Maximum 20
HouseNo - Maximum 20 **
HouseNoExt - Maximum 20 **
City - Maximum 30
CountryCode - Maximum 10
PhoneNumber - Maximum 30
Email - Maximum 80
PickupLocationName - Maximum 30
Combined fields
Some of the fields listed above are also combined to form a different field when importing orders in XPRT. For the fields listed below, validate such that both the individual limit and combined limit do not exceed the maximum amount of characters.
Firstname + LastName - Combination maximum 100 *
Street + HouseNo + HouseNoExt - Combination maximum 100 **